
Genesis 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

4 God saw that the light was good;

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Dark display ?


After some years many displays become "darker" and unreadable. In most cases it is not necessary to replace the whole display. These displays are transparent with backround-light. This light is an EL-Foil.

If the display unreadable as a result of the dark backround-light you will need a new EL-Foil. The duration of life is only some years and depends on other facts.

No problem.

You donīt need a new display for about $150-$250.

You need to replace only the EL-Foil.



Do you have this sampler ?

Or this one ?

Or this ?

Then you need this:

EL-Foil for AKAI






Copyright Đ 2000-2015 by Wolfgang Dunczewski Multimedia
Tel: 0700 / TONSTUDIO - Tel: +49 69 39043125 - Fax: +49 69 387899

01/01/08 17:50